Freddy The Proud Frog
In a cozy pond, there lived a frog named Freddy. Freddy was big and green. He loved to hop around, showing off to the other frogs.
Freddy often bragged about how high he could jump and how loud he could croak. He thought he was the best frog in the pond.
One day, a wise turtle named Toby told Freddy, "Being strong is good, but being kind is even better."
Freddy laughed at Toby's words, but deep down, he felt a bit unsure.
Over time, Freddy's boasting caused problems. The other frogs didn't want to play with him anymore.
Freddy realized he was lonely because of his pride. He decided to change.
Freddy apologized to the other frogs and started being kind to them.
The frogs forgave Freddy, and they became friends again.
Freddy learned that being kind is more important than being proud.
From then on, Freddy was known as a friendly frog who treated everyone with respect.
And so, Freddy learned that being kind makes you the best of all.
Cozy (Adjective) - The the feeling of being comfortable and warm.
Showing off (Phrasal Verb) - Boastfully display one's abilities or accomplishments.
Bragged (Verb: Brag) - To say something in a boastful manner.
Croak (Verb) - The deep sound that a frog makes.
Unsure (Adjective) - Not feeling, showing, or done with confidence and certainty.
Pride (Noun) - A sense of one's own dignity; to think too much of one's self.
Apologized (Verb: Apologize) - To express regret for something that one has done wrong.