Fun At The Safari Park
Once upon a time, a family went on an exciting trip to a safari park to see all kinds of animals. They packed snacks, put on their hats, and hopped into their car.
As they drove through the park, they saw tall giraffes munching on leaves from tall trees.
"Wow!" said the children, amazed at how tall they were.
Next, they spotted a herd of elephants splashing in a waterhole. The elephants sprayed water with their trunks, making everyone laugh.
The family also saw a pride of lions lounging in the sun.
"Look at their big paws and sharp teeth," said Dad. "They're the kings of the jungle!"
Then, they came across a group of playful monkeys swinging from tree to tree.
"They're so funny!" giggled the children as they watched the monkeys chase each other.
After a fun day of exploring, the family waved goodbye to the animals and headed home. "What a wonderful adventure!" exclaimed Mom.
"Let's come back again soon!"
Munching (Verb: Munch) - To eat (something) steadily and often audibly.
Herd (of elephants) (Noun) - A large group of animals, especially animals with hoofs, that live together or are kept together as livestock.
Pride (of lions) - A group (family) of lions.
Lounging (Gerund/Verb: Lounge) - To lie, sit, or stand in a relaxed or lazy way.
Giggled (Verb: Giggle) - To laugh lightly and repeatedly in a silly way, from amusement, nervousness, or embarrassment.